24 August, 2011

Where must Christ's church be focused?

Believers in Jesus must focus upward and outward, not inward. One characteristic of legalism is the undue emphasis on oneself: what must I do to live right. Churches and even entire denominations have been founded upon the premise that personal holiness ought to be the primary concern of the Christian. To be sure, we are commanded to share in God's holiness, without which we will not see Him. However, excessive introspection and practical standards of holiness have replaced the true mission of the church: outreach.

Some churches are like spiritual
bomb shelters.
A church that merely functions as a bunker, harboring dozens of people inside its 4 walls while they sing, pray, and give money to themselves is not a church. It is a bunker. Doctrinally, most bunker pastors teach that the world outside is falling apart, growing worse and worse, and ripe for God's destruction any time now. There is no hope but to stay in the bunker and do church activities together, waiting for Doomsday (or a secret removal from the world) to come.

The truth is that the world will not end. Jesus Christ, as he was ready to ascend back to his Father's heaven, assured his disciples that their primary concern was to be his witnesses by the power of his Holy Spirit. Eventually, the glory of the Lord will fill the earth, his kingdom will be fully realized, and the King will finally arrive! But there's a lot of work to do. When Christ commanded his followers to be his witnesses, he asked them to manifest to outsiders the power, greatness and beauty of what they would attest to. Believers are united to Jesus Christ, and the way we witness is by preaching and living the gospel in this world.

It is not our prerogative to separate
the chaff from the wheat.
The difference between legalists and true believers is that the former live unto themselves. Like the Pharisees of Jesus' time, they are reactionary and spend a lot of energy trying to separate themselves from any influence that they have deemed worldly 1. In fact, legalistic groups are proud to identify themselves in terms of what they are separated from. On the other hand, true believers do not spend most of their energies separating the wheat from the chaff, but they seek to separate themselves unto God's work on earth. There are many regions that have not heard the gospel, many countries that are still in poverty, many nations that are still under tyrannical rule, many people that are still in slavery, many factions that are still at war, many churches that are still in error. Who is equal to such a task? Only a church that is empowered by the Holy Spirit and lives out a gospel that permeates all realms: spiritual and social.
The Lamb has overcome: Alleluia!

If you're a true believer, heed to the voice of Jesus Christ in you. You were saved unto good works. You were called to work out your own salvation! There is no need to focus so many energies on making sure all your ducks are in a row: Jesus has taken care of God's holy demands on your behalf. His righteousness is the only dress you can wear! You are accepted in the Beloved 2. No need for guilt, shame, worry and fear: the Lamb has overcome! Now you need to bring out all of this love, grace and freedom to people in need.

God's people gather,
construct, unite, mend.
Is your church a bunker? Do they feed the hungry, clothe the naked and preach the gospel to the poor? If not, get out of it! Is your church more concerned about making sure you attend at least 3 times a week rather than ensuring that the single mothers in their own neighborhood have a health clinic to attend? If so, get out of it! Is your pastor more concerned that men wear shirts and ties rather than wondering if there are still children in his country that can't even afford a shirt? If so, get out of it! The Spirit is not there.

Think outside the Heidelberg
There are many churches and denominations in America. Yes, some of them still focus on introspection and monasticism, others on making sure their 5-point Calvinism resembles that of the 17th century Netherlands, others on maintaining racial and cultural homogeneity, and others on being on the cutting-edge of entertainment. However, there are still churches and denominations that attempt to be Biblically-faithful and, as a whole, do not to get carried away with ephemeral fads of this age (while still being culturally relevant). They do things like missions, running hospitals, building houses, funding Microloans, donating clothes, giving blood, providing counseling or educating people. They are actually effecting a change in this world. These are the groups of believers that are attuned to God's program this side of eternity. What an exciting age to live in!

1. The word "Pharisee" comes from the Hebrew פָּרוּש  (parus) which means to "set apart" or "separate." The focus of this type of false believers has always been on pridefully distinguishing themselves from the others.

2. God said of His Son, "Behold, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased." Now he says the same to whomever is united to Christ by grace through faith.

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