03 July, 2011

Question and Answer: Will America be soon judged by God?

John MacArthur stressed that because God was patient with Israel, America should not expect Him to be patient with it. “As somebody said a few years ago, if God doesn’t destroy America pretty soon, He’s gonna have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

The New Covenant, rather than annulling God's covenant with Israel, it broadens it. Israel will, eventually, be gathered in the land promised to Abraham. When will this happen? As soon as the entire world is inundated with the gospel and Christ's Kingdom is realized on earth. Every nation will be a Christian nation, and "the kingdoms of the world [will] become the kingdoms of our God."

Most of the New Testament
prophecies foretold the soon
destruction of Jerusalem (AD70).
Because of his belief in dispensational (or futuristic) theology, MacArthur must inevitably conclude that things will become worse and worse, and the next thing in this world's agenda is a ravening doomsday that will wipe out billions of people. The truth is that the US is not only one of the countries with most Christians in the world but also the hub for countless Christian missions worldwide. What about the abortions, sexual immorality, and corruption that happen in this country? These things provide a stark contrast between the children of God and the children of the devil. What legislation has done is allow for this contrast to be made more apparent.

The U.S. had a terrible start
as a nation.
Does America need to "go back" to God? Is God somehow bound to the "covenant" the original Pilgrim/Puritan settlers made? This morning I visited a church where this kind of nationalistic nonsense was preached, and I left in the middle of the service. The truth is that the original settlers that we often revere sinned greatly against the Lord by stealing the land from its original inhabitants and establishing their own culture. The Indians, a word whose very etymology reveals our Euro-centered bias, were either brutally killed or confined in reservations (this one happened later). Most churches suppressed this truth, and their preachers promoted the diabolical doctrine of "Manifest Destiny," which states that the U.S. (called "America," as the entire continent) was chosen by God to be a "city on a hill" and conquer and subdue territories. The U.S's foundation was wrong from the very start.

We cannot change the past, but
we can certainly get rid of this nonsense.
We cannot change the past, but we can certainly influence the future. God has used the unrighteousness of man to bring about His kingdom. Legislation against abortion or homosexual marriage will not improve society. Bringing back the Prohibition will not sober our country. Voting Republican will not bring the US an inch closer to God. The only hope for this country, as with every other country, is the gospel. If we believers forsake legalism and man-centered theology (ie. KJV-onlyism, skirts onlyism, classical music-onlyism) and enjoy Jesus Christ and his freeing grace, the Holy Spirit may sovereignly use us to further our influence.

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