26 July, 2011

Which U.S. Political Party Represents God's Interests in the Country?

Neither. The agenda of the Republican party is to conserve values and legislation of the past. The problem is that many of these values and beliefs that were held in the past were wrong and sinful. The present Constitution, as clever and useful as it has been for over 200 years, is not God's law. It is fallible, and it has needed revision (in the form of amendments) over the centuries. Some things that this party represents are deplorable. The party's platform is against the stranger and the poor. It would promote more liberties for rich employers to have the prerogative of paying a desperate, hard worker $3.00 an hour. By endorsing limited government, it endorses the decrease of national accountability, and this means that private companies would have less people to answer to when they get away with harsh work conditions and treatment. Fewer employers would be taken to court or put in jail if they abuse their employees. Also, Republicans do not want to use their tax dollars to help the less fortunate people of their own nation. Jesus once said that there would always be poor, and the Republican agenda would ensure that it stays like that.

The Democratic party, on the other hand, also encourages lifestyles that are abominable to God. By legalizing abortion, it is authorizing the killing of unborn creatures. The Bible is clear that the 9 months that a person is in his mother's belly are God's workshop. Interrupting this process and murdering the child in order to protect a fornicator's reputation, eliminate her responsibility, and perpetuate her selfish lifestyle, is abhorrent. Also, Democrats want to, not only to grant homosexual unions the status of marriage (this would not really mean much), but they would like to give these couples the right to adopt and raise children. As Christians, we shudder at the thought of God's boys and girls (as all souls belong to Him) learning in their developing years that there is nothing wrong with homosexual sex 1.

As a believer in Jesus Christ, I subscribe fully to neither party. I promote the Republicans' regard for the sanctity of unborn life and their concern for traditions that are consistent with the Scripture, such as monogamous, heterosexual marriage. I also promote the Democrats' protection of the interests of all citizens (including the stranger and the poor), as well as the eradication war and all violence. As a citizen of God's kingdom, I can only pick and choose the good factors out of the existing human structures. After all, God's kingdom will not be brought about by legislation, but it will be realized as the hearts of men and women are turned to the Savior and their actions will become consistent with their calling.

1. As a Christian, I love all homosexuals and judge none. Many are actually born with this inclination. I also reject the behaviors I believe are prohibited by the Scriptures, and this includes sexual relations between people of the same sex. Christian homosexuals have a difficult predicament, and they need as much of God's grace as heterosexual Christians do.


  1. All of this sounds really good in a void but our debt has now hit 100% of GDP. Socialistic thinking, like yours, has bankrupted our country. Thinking like this will all end very soon when Greece-like austerity hits and then we won't be arguing about how much wealth to redistribute by cooercive force but how to eat.

  2. And you know that is the heart of the problem isn't it? You believe in redistributive force which is wicked. I loathe hoarding when people are in need as any proper Christian should. I loathe violence also. Just because redistributive force isn't often perceived as violence, because it's less violent than say all the useless wars we're in, but it doesn't mean it isn't violent.

  3. There is not ONE single elected republican who doesn't believe in programs for the needy.. NONE. Name one. You can't. Republicans, unlike libertarians (me) believe in redistribution, just not as much as democrats. They're two sides to the same Statist coin.

    During the Clinton years, when the Republicans overwhelmingly controlled Congress, they worked with Clinton and he signed into law, a bill that changed the face of povery tin American. Many untold people got off welfare and learned new skills. People want a hand-up not a hand-out. This one bill did more for the needy in American than all other welfare bills before and since. One of Obama's first executive orders was to repeal this bill and extend force the USDA to actively promote and "sell" food stamps to the public. Democrats, under the guise of good intentions, prefer state-fed slaves to buy their votes. Republicans, have a whole host of other problems- which is a different rant than this current one.

  4. Obama, a Democrat, has INCREASED all current wars and started new military action in Egypt, Lybia, and Somalia. Obama, a Democrat, has refused to close Gitmo.

    A handful of Democrats want him to shut down the wars. A handful of Republicans (the Pauls) want to end the wars.

    So how his warmongering a Republican thing again?
